HomeThe World's Best Drinks
The World's Best Drinks
The World's Best Drinks

The World's Best Drinks

Product Description

This book of the world’s best drinks is not a mere drink guide, offering a brief guide to wine, charting the rise of artisan tonic water; steering you through the different styles of beer, from blonde ale to witbier to dunkel and providing a pithy history of the planet’s most famous spirits.

It is also a travelogue that will take you to the sophisticated and chic gallerias of Milan where you can sip negronis made with carmine-coloured Campari as well as venturing into less well- trammelled territories. In these pages you might make new discoveries such as the terremoto – a Chilean cocktail made using pineapple ice cream, white wine and grenadine and apparently created in 1985 shortly after the earthquake that shook Valparaiso


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